miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

¿De qué sirven las palabras?

¿De qué sirven las palabras?
Si no hay hechos, si no hay nada, si no recibo el calor que esconde tu mirada..
¿De qué sirven las palabras?
Si no de desaliento, más intenso cada vez tras cada encuentro..
¿De qué sirven las palabras?
Si al mirarte no me salen y me siento encadenada..
¿De qué sirven las palabras?
Si no para el habla, puramente charlatana..
¿De qué sirven las palabras?
Si no para hilarlas, y despojar las heridas de lo más profundo de mi alma..
¿De qué sirven las palabras?
Si no llegan, si no empujan si no calan.
¿De qué sirven las palabras?
 Las palabras. Mis palabras. Tus palabras. Las palabras. Las palabras. Las palabras.
¿De qué sirven las palabras?
Si no llenan, si no empujan si no calan.  Palabras. Palabras. Palabras.

 Palabras. Palabras. Palabras.

¿De qué sirven las palabras?
Si ando desconectada.

Las palabras no me sirven, yo las sirvo a ellas.

domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

Tv show

The night comes and the tv lights up the room. 

And it is right now when I become aware of the darkness within my skin. I even feel it in my stomach.. in my eyes.. in my entire life.  I am surrounded by ego-players and separatness, no matter where I go, I can feel their presence all around. There is not exit out. The tv show always stays on. Darkness is everywhere.

Does that it belong to me?

And while I wonder.. the darkness keeps playing.

It comes and goes among the parties. Separate bodies fight to win. I sense the energy floating around and the superficiality within them. "It could be that easy to transform it.." I say to myself with despair..

Does it belong to me?!!

Then I turn my face and see a new ray of light coming from outside of what apparently it was a locked room. I follow it and it distracts my look from the original show. 
The hugeness of the universe quietly has appeared in scene, to calm me down.
"I adore you" it says, and I suddenly feel safe. "Just be.. just observe..just adore..", it keeps saying, so I gratefully remember myself. 

Contemplating this source of energy.. I think of how wonderful my life turns out when masks are uncovered.  When the characters I have played along during the tv show come outside their jail. 

Beautiful nakedness.

I have filled up myself with knowledge (from any source) most of my life, believing it would improve who once I though I had to be, but actually.. by doing that, I have been running away from my esence, my sensibility, my innate beauty.

Knowledge becomes beliefs, which can play many tv funny shows. "I feel clever because I know, because I have studied, because I have read, because I have seen.."But they also take away the power of experiencing, the power of simply being, the power of humaness. I could keep writing, reading, seeing.. forever. And I could explain all my theories and discuss them among friends.. but if I don't go out there and live, I will never experience what all I think  I know it is really about. I will be playing a role, trying to solve what it can not be solved within the blind happiness of a tv show .

So, what are the ego-parties discussing about? What is really that tv show about? They invent discussions to keep themselves entertained, uncounciously they are keeping their faces looking straight and far away from the lights which are coming from outside their room.

I suffer the darkness of awareness. So yes, it does belong to me. But, it does not define me. It is just a script it once was  written by someone I defined as myself. And for some reason, and so far, that script and others players script I keep tripping on, seem to me now meanliness and ridiculous, and they still sometimes hurt so much.  

I let the darkness be though, because it does not control me anymore. I conciously choose the nakedness of my soul. 


jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013

A February of Joy and Kindness. Day 6: Hapiness is only real when shared

Last night I couldn´t sleep well. I spent the whole night rolling around in my bed sheets due to the two cups of coffee I have had and also because of my stomach ache, a very sensitive organ where all my feelings pass through.. which was telling me.. Wait a bit..Laura! Something is going on in here! Listen to it!

I spent the day on my own.. I hardly see anyone (I worked but the kid arrived late with the mum..).
On my way to my job, I felt pretty happy though. I was singing and enjoying my self while walking. I started singing underneath my scarf.. but soon I got confidence and I did out loud as no one was looking at me..! And when they did.. I even increased my voice! haha! cool!
But my way back home was very different. After three hours working alone.. without speaking with anyone (just preparing dinner and reading in between the book "how finding your passion change your life " by Ken Robinson ) I started thinking about was going on in my belly the night before, when I was lying on bed.

"What I am doing?
What I really want to do?
Do I feel that I am loved?
What is it my gift? How would I give it away?"

The more dark it was becoming outside.. the more dark I was felling inside. Then.. I saw myself on my way back almost desperate to connect with someone, to share with someone.. to sing out loud with someone..

Those crucial questions shape my life.. but.. the abuse of something has the opposite effect.. and does not heal at all, but indeed, gets myself a stomach ache..

I just really wanted to do something with someone..
I just really wanted to feel that I am loved by someone..
I just really wanted to shared my gift with someone..
I just wanted to sing out loud with someone..

Because Happiness is only real when shared.
And Kindness.
And Joy.
And that is the response of all questions I could ever have.


Today It is my 7th day! wooow! I love this!

miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013

A February of kindness and Joy. Day 5: Living in the moment

I do not remember many details from yesterday. But I have taken something really relevant from it. If I am not here consciously, I look but I do not see. I react but I do not feel. I am polite but I do not give my gift away.

Living in the present, can happen very easily, but it can be also forgotten in the blink of an eye.
Is it worthy to pay attention then?

I realised that there are two main paths which I can walk through. The "present paths" and the "automatic paths".

Two paths, two choices.

If I take the "automatic paths", the ones which I am use to walking along, my brain is very thankful because he is working with less effort and so, it takes me to my job place quickly, easily and without thinking too much by leading myself to the same routes everyday.
 These paths let me be polite and smile at the bus driver, but do not allow my eyes connect with him.They are survival paths.

On the other hand, taking the present paths, as wisely Thich Nhat Hanh said, is the same as tasting and savouring a cup of tea: “Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves - slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future.” 

I have to practise to do it, but once I have experienced it, I would never get back to be the "Super-efficient human engine", although it sounds suuper cool, doesn´t it? haha!

I still using both, but.. OMG! How wonderful is when I go for the tea, for the sound, for the now..

Arrg.. "The now".

A place where the magic rivers of creativity, kindness and joy all end in the same sea, and my life becomes an endless paradise of chances as I am dipping into it..

I am ready for the 6th day! :)

martes, 5 de febrero de 2013

A February of kindness and joy. Day 4: Fear against Love

"I discovered that it was fear that was creating my "victim mentality" and negative attitude. It was stopping me from taking responsibility for my experience of life. It was also fear that was keeping me from being a truly love person"
Susan Jeffers.

I work as a nanny. I look after a gorgeous boy, whose age is 9. He is such a good toddler, well educated and very polite. And so, since I started looking after him I found very easy to get along with him. I could define our relationship as "the totally absence of troubles". It sounds nice, doesn´t it? :)

But even everything was fine with us, I did not know sometimes how to face some sort of situations. And so, I expected him come to me if he needed something to sort it out instantly  I used to think "I do not want to put pressure on him, he needs time to get to know me". So that, my role in our relationship it could be described as a "passive one". Always for his own good, of course! The last thing I wanted is "to bother him".

As the days went on, we felt more comfortable with each other, but still I found difficult to get closer to him and I wondered why if I was fine and so he did, we couldn't get the intimacy of a deeper friendship.
I tried many times to begin a  "more than 5 minutes" conversation to show him that I was interested in him, but it did not work that well. He answered shortly, and unconsciously I let it go as I understood that it was just a matter of time. Or maybe.. he was shy, or very busy doing his homework, or he missed his parents, or..

But yesterday I behaved differently. I came into his room, his "safe space", without fear of him to feel "invaded" my "fearful presence" and I started to make jokes and tried to make him laugh. And frankly, it worked so well.

After some healthy giggles, I remembered the fantastic week we spent together before Christmas! I remembered his happy face on Winter Wonderland, and also his big jumps around the Serpertine.
And I realised that there was only one barrier: The barrier of fear. That "passive role" I mentioned  I was taking was just a way of hiding my own. Because he only needs love, care,  and someone who takes and ACTIVE role in order to built the intimacy of a sane and fruitful relationship.

But wait a moment.. I had fears of.. what? What do they come from? Why should I feel fear staying with a 9 years old boy?. That sounds ridiculous! And it is. But that was happening!

The answer is very simple but quite hard to accept consciously. I feared him not to like me as a consequence of useless thoughts like "I do not want him to feel uncomfortable with my presence", "He may feel bad because sometimes I do not understand his british accent, or even sometimes he doesn't understand mine" or "I cannot give him as much love as his parents do, I am not good enough to fill his lack of love" and so on. 
So my "passive role", apparently the best think I could do for him, was indeed the best thing I did for me, to avoid not to face what was actually going on within me. I did not worth myself enough. I considered myself as a "fearful presence" for him, instead of looking at all the opportunities I had to put in practise my love for him. Each moment I let it go, it was a wasted one.

And then I also realised how those fears affect me in order to create deeply love and kind relationships with other people who are already are in my life or will be. Either to establish sane romantic relationships or any other kind of truly and uplifting connection.

Fears are always related to lack of self-esteem, which I would say, it is also a lack of self-kindness. And this is the first thing I must admit to step out of their "unconscious jail".   And still, after years knowing it on theory, I still keep failing sometimes the practice! But you know what? I will never give up! Beause.. that would mean.. to give up on feeling love :)

"I feel fear, and I do it anyway". And so, I truly love. 
Taking an active role in our relationships means to truly love that person!
Waiting to show that love can be risky..
So take over your fears and go ahead to show them how much you care!
Kindness and joy are an ACTIVE ATTITUDE!


The fifth day is already here!!